An Alimony Attorney With Experience You Can Trust
If you are going through a divorce, spousal support is often a heavily contested issue. Whether you are asking to receive alimony or might be obligated to pay it, this issue is of great importance in many dissolution of marriage cases. The attorneys at Jeffrey Law, PA, have experience negotiating and litigating any and all forms of alimony. We have a knowledge of the law that is necessary to build a compelling case for your financial rights as they relate to alimony.
Securing Fair Alimony Agreements
Spousal support, or alimony, is often a heavily contested issue between parties to a divorce. There are numerous different forms of alimony, from temporary alimony while a case is pending, to different types of alimony that can be awarded by a Court in a final judgment.
- Temporary alimony is alimony that is based on one party’s need, and the other party’s ability to pay, temporary support while a case is pending. Temporary alimony can always be re-addressed or re-calculated after trial, in a final judgment, and cannot be waived in a pre-marital agreement.
- Bridge-the-gap alimony is designed to assist a spouse in financially adjusting from being married to single. A spouse requesting this type of alimony will need to identify short term needs, and can receive financial support for up to two years.
- Rehabilitative alimony is a type of alimony that is designed to assist a litigant spouse who needs to acquire skills or re-gain them in order to become self supporting. Presenting a case for rehabilitative alimony requires that a party propose a specific, detailed, rehabilitative plan to the Court.
- Durational alimony is most common after a short term (0-7 years) or moderate term (7-17 years) marriage, where a party has a need for spousal support for a set period of time, and the other party has the ability to pay it. A court can also award this support after a long-term marriage of 17 years or longer, if permanent alimony is not necessary or appropriate. A Court must make specific findings to award durational alimony in a long-term marriage.
- Permanent periodic alimony, or lifetime alimony, is generally speaking reserved for marriages of long duration (over 17 years) and circumstances in which a party lacks the ability to procure the financial resources necessary to meet the basic needs of life and the other party has the ability to pay. Under certain circumstances, permanent alimony can be awarded after a marriage of shorter duration.
Modifiability and termination of these various types of alimony awards are governed by Florida Statutes and nuanced case law, that an experienced family law attorney should have a sound command of.
The attorneys at Jeffrey Law, PA, have experience negotiating and litigating any and all forms of alimony when necessary. We have a knowledge of the law that is necessary to build a compelling case for your financial rights as they relate to alimony. As your attorneys, to the fullest extent possible, we present the Court with the evidence necessary for the Court to apply these factors in the most favorable possible way.
Learn How We Can Help
Contact us today for zealous representative on issues relating to spousal support. Call 305-703-0702 or email us today.